US brewery withdraws ‘Gerry Adams’ beer and apologises for offence

A brewery in the US has apologised after a beer named after former Sinn Fein president Gerry Adams attracted a number complaints. Revolution brewing, a craft beer company in Chicago, said the ‘Adams’ Best’ brew has been withdrawn, and that all remaining stocks have been disposed of.

One of those who raised objections to the name was the sister of a Belfast IRA victim. Ann Travers’ sister Mary was shot dead, and her magistrate father seriously wounded, in a gun attack as the family left a Catholic church in south Belfast in 1984.

Ms Travers described the brewery’s name choice as “shameful,” and said she was “speechless” with shock at seeing the beer advertised online.

In a statement posted on its website on Thursday, the company said: “In 2012, we first brewed a Best Bitter ale at our pub, which we named Adams’ Best in reference to Gerry Adams, and have since brewed it on occasion.

“Choosing a name is part of crafting a new beer and provides the opportunity to inspire, but also to offend. Over the last several days, we learned that great attention has been drawn to this beer abroad, with many people taking offense.

“We hear you and have decided to take it off tap, and dispose of all remaining stock. We sincerely apologize for our actions and will not brew this beer again.”

In response to the news, Ms Travers tweeted the message: “Thank you @RevBrewChicago for listening to victims’ voices and showing understanding, commonsense and common decency, withdrawing “Adams’ Best” craft beer and saying you won’t be brewing it again. Much appreciated.”

Although Mr Adams has repeatedly denied having ever been a member of the IRA, he stated that he would “never disassociate” himself from the terrorist organisation that killed more people during the Northern Ireland conflict than any other grouping.


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