Issue 27


Why the capital can now hold its head up high as one of the world’s best beer cities
Perennial Artisan Ales
Taking a peek at the beers of Missouri craft brewer Phil Wymore
Take Courage
Roger Protz on Courage Imperial Russian Stout, an historic brew brought back to life
Isle of Skye Brewing Co
Behind the scenes of an island brewer with its sights set on the big time
How craft beer is gaining a toe-hold in a country traditionally domintated by wine
US giants of craft
Joe Stange asks how big can a brewery be and still call itself craft?
Behind the scenes at a rather surprising brewpub in Turkey
Catching up with brewmaster Rudi Ghequire to learn about his iconic Belgian sour ale
Wild Beer Co
Getting to know some innovative brews out of deepest darkest Somerset
History of Inns
Pete Brown looks at the provenance of Britain’s great coaching inns